Welcome to this page.

If you are here it means that you are interested in advertising and sponsoring Venice Collections jewels online with our Influencer Program!

Read to the end because it could be very interesting.

Our Influencer Program is very different from many others because it doesn't force you to publish our products and our contents on your Social Profiles (unless you want to).

It's very simple and can make you earn 20% on all purchases your followers make on the website www.venicecollections.com

You can participate in the program whether you are a man or a woman, the important thing is that you have an audience that follows you and, even better, if your profile deals with fashion, beauty, body care, jewelery or the like.

However, it is important that you know that if you don't have a good number of people following you, you won't get results: We will evaluate your request to participate in our program.

But how will your followers buy Venice Collections jewels if you don't publish our content on your profile?

Simple, here's how it works in detail :

We will publish an interview of yours in a dedicated area of ​​our website which will allow your followers to get to know you better and become loyal (or attached) to you and then follow you more willingly.

you will do the interview from the comfort of your home by answering a few questions that we will send you

But not only your followers will see your interview, the followers of other influencers, users of our site and other users from search engines will also see it.

Your interview will be accompanied by some of your photos that you will take with one of our jewels (usually a necklace) that we will send you .

weekly we will interview a limited number of influencers in order of request

Your images in the interview and other specially designed links will invite users to see and buy our products and from all Social users (your followers) who come from your profiles and who will buy you will get a commission, even if they buy days later reading your interview!

Are you curious about our program? Do you want more technical details?

Contact us in the CHAT below on the right or via email at info@venicecollections.com
If you prefer, you can write to us in Direct on the new Venice Collections Instagram profile.

ask us "to find out more about our Influencer Program", we will explain better how it works and what you will need to do to be successful.

We thank you for your attention and sincerely hope to start a cooperation with you!